GOOD STEWARDS RECRUITMENT AGENCY was born after about 10 years of an on-going relationship with a community that is pre-dominantly foreign domestic workers, locals and other expatriates. Seeing and Hearing first-hand stories of challenges to navigate these often exploited and muddy employment paths. We sensed a need to build a bridge to a fair and easy employment process.
To See You Smile

Our Story

Recruitment Agency
Enhancing peace of mind in families through employment. Making domestic helpers employment process fair and simple, are at the core of our pursuit. The quality of our service always stand out, yet we do not stop striving to be better.
- We make sure you get the best domestic helper or employer
- We save our clients time and money by allowing them to interviews our candidates in their preferred location when necessary.
- Our prices are very competitive, process are fair, easy and fast.
- 100% satisfaction with our service, is a guarantee.
What Employers/Helpers Say…
“工作了超過7年的工人姐姐突然得了重病回鄉了。在疫情下,找了多間僱傭公司都失望而回,現在嘅情況比龍年更難請到工人。最後,我們找到了樂幫僱傭中心,他們細心又專業,在他們的幫助下,工人姐姐在短時間內已到我們家了。他們的服務給予我們信心,由選好工人姐姐到申請到姐姐到了我們家,他們都不斷報告和跟進情況。現在工人姐姐與我的家人相處融洽,兩個小朋友也得到照顧,絕對要給樂幫僱傭中心十個讚👍🏻x10 我和老公終於捱過了沒有工人姐姐的日子,由地獄折返到人間
“This was my first time hiring a helper and I’m so glad that my friend recommended Bianca, from “Good Stewards Agency” to me. I had no idea what to do and what to expect, and Bianca has been very caring and really understanding about my situation. She found me the perfect helper. I know it has only been over a week since I have my helper but we just get on like house of fire. The advice and aftercare that Bianca provides is also priceless. She’s still checking on us if we are ok even after helper has started working. I would highly recommend Bianca @Good Stewards Agency to anyone who would like to hire a helper.
Good Stewards helped me to look for a domestic helper. They are professional, responsible and efficient. They provided all necessary information to me with timely follow up of the employment process.
Mrs. Lee
“Good Stewards is a great place and I’m impressed by their high standard of service. They definitely know what they are doing and will go the extra mile, in a friendly relaxed way. Not only is the service expert and fast, price is fair and they take time to properly educate you about each step. Honesty is their watch word and I definitely recommend this brand to anyone who needs a reliable helper.”
Ms Vivian
“今年二月工人姐姐剛剛完約離職。本來透過一間Agent 找到心儀菲姐姐但不幸遇上武漢肺炎疫情下,引發各地實施禁止出入境及防疫隔離令措施。
也缺乏家人照顧子女,突然找到 Good Stewards Agency 幫忙,她們的熱誠及有效率地為客戶貼身尋找理想工人姐姐。在她們努力協助下,
找到兩、三個本地工作面試者,最後在短時間內覓到本地剛完約有工作經驗、盡責兼有愛心的菲姐姐照顧女兒。而且Agent 也貼身跟進人民入境處的批核工作証的進度。
在此,值得稱讚Good Stewards Agency的工作效率為僱主尋找合適工人姐姐。”